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FSS (Family Self Sufficiency)

The FSS Program, is a free, voluntary program available to all HCV (Section 8) and Public Housing residents wishing to achieve self-sufficiency.

Participants in the FSS Program work with the FSS Coordinators to develop individualized, attainable, and measurable goals leading towards suitable employment and self-sufficiency. All participants sign a five year contract and an individual goal plan. Individual goal plans are available for any household member 18 years old or older. During the five years, participants will receive one-on-one case management and be given the opportunity to benefit from the activities and perks of the program, which include: being alerted of job openings and training opportunities, home ownership seminars, credit counseling, information on cost-cutting techniques, and more!

There is also a cash incentive to encourage participants to succeed in meeting their goals! When an FSS participant experiences an increase in rent due to earned income, a portion of the difference between the rent at the beginning of the FSS contract and the new increased rent goes into a tax-free, interest-earning escrow account. When a participant has met all of his or her goals and graduates from the program, he or she is issued a check for the full amount of the escrow account balance!


FSS Action Plan 2022

FSS Contacts

Public Housing FSS Coordinator
Deborah Weppelman
Desk Phone: 440-288-7437
Cell Phone: 440-752-2250
HCVP FSS Coordinator
Amber Reifschneider
Desk Phone: 440-288-7433
Cell Phone: 440-752-0366