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HCV (Section 8) Random Selection Results

by Administrator January / 31 / 2017


  • Please note that being randomly selected DOES NOT guarantee that you will be issued a voucher. 
  • When selected applications reach the top of the waiting list, they will be contacted via letter for an interview to determine eligibility.
  • Applicants ranked 500 or higher will likely not be contacted for an eligibility interview in 2017, however this is subject to change based on funding.

If your confirmation number is not listed below, your application was not randomly selected for the waiting list.

Click Here to download PDF of randomly selected applications.







Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) Waiting List to Open Temporarily.

by Administrator November / 14 / 2016

The Lorain Metropolitan Housing Authority (LMHA) has determined to temporarily open the Housing Choice Voucher waiting list. 1,500 applicants will be randomly selected to be placed on the waiting list.

It is projected it will take two years to serve all the families placed on the waiting list.

LMHA will be temporarily opening our Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8) waiting list to receive pre-applications for a period effective 12:01 AM, Sunday, January 8, 2017 until 11:59 pm, Saturday, January 14, 2017.

All interested parties MUST complete an online. Click here to apply.

If you do not have access to a computer, there are some available for public use at your local public library and the main office of LMHA at 1600 Kansas Ave., Lorain, Ohio.

Please be advised that applicants are strongly encouraged to provide email addresses in addition to mailing addresses when completing online applications in order to assist LMHA in efficiently processing the waiting list.



Notice - PH Waiting List Closing

by LMHA September / 30 / 2016



Effective 11:59 p.m., October 14, 2016, Lorain Metropolitan Housing Authority will stop accepting online applications. 


All applications received prior to 11:59 p.m. on October 14th will be processed according to LMHA’s approved policies, which are available at  All applicants who applied prior to the closing of the Waiting List must continue to report all changes to the Admissions Department within 10 business days of the change in order to continue to be considered for eligibility.


We expect to begin accepting new applications again in early 2017.  LMHA will announce in advance when the Waiting List will reopen.


An Equal Housing Opportunity Provider




Now Accepting Applications for Building Recptionists

by Administrator September / 12 / 2016

View job description on our Employment Opportunities Page.



Cargo Trailer Auction - (eBay)

by Administrator September / 7 / 2016

The LMHA is auctioning off a cargo trailer... You can view the details and pictures on ebay.



Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) issuance update..

by Administrator April / 20 / 2016


Please be advised that Lorain Metropolitan Housing Authority’s Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program will not be issuing vouchers effective April 11, 2016.  We anticipate that voucher issuance will resume in 2017, however this is subject to change.


On-Line Application

by Administrator April / 1 / 2016

The On-line Application is now available.  We apologize for any inconvenience.



On-Line Application Unavailable

by Administrator March / 24 / 2016

Effective March 21, 2016, LMHA’s on-line application is temporarily unavailable due to maintenance and revisions/updates. The application will be accessible once again beginning April 1, 2016.
LMHA apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause. Any questions or concerns should be directed to Admissions at 440-288-7484 or emailed to
LMHA appreciates your patience and understanding.



Draft of LMHA's 2016 Annual and 5-Year Action Plan

by Administrator February / 12 / 2016

Public Notice - Effective January 30, 2016 the Lorain Metropolitan Housing Authority (LMHA) has available for review and inspection the 2016 Annual Plan and 5 Year Action Plan at the LMHA Administrative Offices, 1600 Kansas Ave., Lorain. The Plans are also available at all public housing site offices (locations provided on our web site), on the LMHA website @, or by TDD/TTY (800) 750-0750. LMHA is interested in your comments. A public hearing will be held at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 16, 2016 at LMHA, 1600 Kansas Ave., Lorain. All public comments will be heard and discussed this hearing.



Now Hiring!!

by Administrator October / 22 / 2015

Visit our employment opportunities page. Click Here!



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