by Administrator August / 24 / 2018
Attached is a lists of the 500 applications randomly selected, and their current ranking on the HCVP waiting list.
Applicants can monitor the status of their application by calling our 24/7 Automated Status line at (440)288-7402 or by using the Tenant Portal.
Housing Choice Voucher (formerly Section 8) Random Selection Results
by Administrator May / 7 / 2018Share:
by Administrator April / 16 / 2018LMHA’s Proposed 2018 Annual Plan and Capital Fund Program Five-Year Action Plan
On April 16, 2018 LMHA submitted to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) its Board-approved 2018 Annual Plan, Public Housing Admissions and Continued Occupancy Policy, HCVP Administrative Policy, and Capital Fund 5-Year Action Plan. If approved by HUD, these documents will become effective July 1, 2018.
Posted below are the above-listed documents; the challenged elements to the proposed plans; LMHA’s Certification of Compliance with the PHA Plan and Related Regulations; the Certifications of Consistency with Consolidated Plans from the Lorain County Administrators and the cities of Lorain, Elyria, Oberlin, and Amherst; the 2018 Capital Fund Program Grant; and the 2018 Capital Fund 5-Year Action Plan. The LMHA 5-Year Plan was submitted to HUD in 2017.
by Administrator March / 1 / 2018
Effective February 2, 2018 the Lorain Metropolitan Housing Authority (LMHA) has available for review and inspection the 2018 Annual Plan and Capital Fund Program 5-Year Action Plan at the LMHA Administrative Offices, 1600 Kansas Ave., Lorain, or on our website at
by Administrator February / 20 / 2018LMHA is proposing a modification to the Public Housing lease. Proposed changes may be viewed at: [link to PH Lease revision notice] and in the Pet policy lease attachment at [Pets]. Comments are due no later than March 26, 2018 and may be sent to: LMHA-Attention: Megan Newson, 1600 Kansas Ave, Lorain OH 44052 or Comments submitted shall be considered by LMHA before formal adoption of the change. Proposed changes to the LMHA Public Housing Lease are effective May 1, 2018.
12 ACO 10 Pets 7-14 disbursement.pdf
PH Lease revision notice.pdf
by Administrator December / 5 / 2017Want to quit smoking?
Free help is available.
Anyone in Lorain County is invited to learn more at an info session in January.
Please join us at JF Oberlin Homes community room, 138 S Main St, Oberlin
January 10 at 1:00 PM or 6:00 PM
January 24 at 1:00 PM or 6:00 PM
Questions? Call or text Elizabeth with LMHA Resident Services at (440) 752-0366 or Irvin at Mercy Hospital at (440) 989-3908
by Administrator November / 21 / 2017Lorain Metropolitan Housing Authority is committed to providing safe, decent, and affordable housing. By participating in this survey, you will help us learn how to better serve our residents.
To take the survey, please click here:
by Administrator May / 15 / 2017The Lorain Metropolitan Housing Authority (LMHA) will resume accepting online applications for the Public Housing and Multifamily Housing Waiting Lists effective May 15, 2017 at 12:01 AM.
LMHA has Public Housing units, ranging in size from efficiency to six bedrooms, located throughout Lorain County, including accessible units. Additionally, LMHA manages one and two bedroom units at Harr Plaza and International Plaza, which are designated for persons who are elderly and/or have disabilities. Units are issued to qualified applicants based on household size.
Rent is based on 30% of Adjusted Gross Income. For residents with higher qualifying incomes, flat rents are available. Security Deposits are required.
Applicants will be contacted for eligibility interviews based on the date and time of their applications.
Applicants with disabilities in need of an accommodation may contact Admissions at 440-288-7484 for assistance.
TDD/TTY 800-750-0750
An Equal Housing Opportunity Provider

by Administrator May / 9 / 2017Beginning May 1, 2018 all LMHA owned/managed properties will be smoke-free. Smoking will be prohibited in all buildings, including tenant apartments. All tenants will be required to execute a smoke-free lease addendum.
Smoke Free Memo.pdf (1.12 mb)
Smoke Free Policy Mar 2017.docx (16.82 kb)

by Administrator February / 1 / 2017Public Notice
Effective January 27, 2017 the Lorain Metropolitan Housing Authority (LMHA) has available for review and inspection the 2017 Annual Plan, 5-Year Plan, and 5-Year Action Plan at the LMHA Administrative Offices, 1600 Kansas Ave., Lorain. The Plans are also available at all public housing site offices (locations listed on our web site), on the LMHA website @ or by TDD/TTY (800) 750-0750.
A public hearing will be held at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday March 15, 2017 at LMHA, 1600 Kansas Ave., Lorain. All public comments will be heard and discussed at this hearing.